Our expertise as speakers and trainers consists of relevant topics around leadership and communication. Additionally, Antoinette has unique expertise in speaking and training around introversion; and John has extensive expertise in speaking and training around leadership development and community and country transformation.
We respond to each inquiry with a complimentary discovery meeting with the leader or meeting planner to learn about specific desires for a successful engagement. We tailor every keynote or presentation to ensure it is industry-specific, relevant, and engaging for your audience.
All keynotes can be delivered in-person or virtually and are tailored for relevance and high engagement for your industry and audience/participants. Some keynotes can also be delivered as more in-depth interactive workshops or training sessions:
For leaders to truly influence others, they must connect. That starts with gaining an understanding of their own naturally wired communication and behavioral style and those of their team. In this interactive and fun keynote, participants will learn how to better lead and communicate with others.
Sarah Riggins
Texas Nursery & Landscape Association
Effective communication is a skill that sets great leaders apart from the rest. Does this mean that extroverts have an advantage over introverts? Not at all! Introverts can learn and develop powerful non-verbal and verbal communication skills without compromising their personality. In this keynote, introverts will learn how to embrace how they are naturally wired while leaning strategies to successfully interact with and lead others.
Within every organization team members desire to feel seen and heard. When leaders put a premium on presence as a core value that is lived out daily at all levels within the organization, team members are engaged, more productive, and work collaboratively. In this keynote or training, participants will learn how to convey presence through body language and verbally with others for increased trust and influence.
It can be difficult to confidently lead when the future state of your organization is uncertain or currently experiencing difficulties. Leaders must convey a confident calmness and assurance; however also need to be open and forthcoming with their teams. In this keynote, leaders will learn how to lead with confidence and clarity despite uncertainty.
Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. Once leaders discover how they can intentionally influence their team, they will become a leader others will want to follow. Discover the three questions that your team and potential clients are internally asking themselves about you, and how you can answer these three questions through your words and actions to increase your influence with positive outcomes.
Connie Guinn
Care Providers Oklahoma
Trust is the foundation of great leadership and communication. Learn how to gain and build trust, and how to trust others to delegate effectively. Learn the importance of establishing and building two different types of trust, and how to to begin to restore broken trust.
Leading teams of differing generations is challenging for even seasoned leaders. Communication barriers, misunderstandings, and a lack of preferences being met across the generations is common. Learn unique differences and preferences of the varying generations, and how to best lead and communicate with a team of different generations.
It can be uncomfortable for many leaders to speak with care and candor to their team. However, not addressing important issues can affect the entire team’s performance and morale, hindering the leader’s abilities. Learn the art of initiating difficult conversations and the steps for positive outcomes.
Many leaders struggle to find a healthy balance between managing processes and leading their team. As a result, they feel exhausted and burned out, with team members who feel stifled and not utilized to their fullest ability. Attendees will identify their delegation challenges for better self-awareness, and how they can delegate, equip and empower their teams for better engagement and productivity.