Introverts Are NOT What You Think: Four Truths Revealed

Introverts are difficult to get to know, which can lead to misunderstandings. Although every introvert is different, here are commonly misunderstandings that many experience:

  1. Their preference for solitude. Whenan introvert declines an invitation to spend time together or any kind of social engagement, many people receive it as rejection. They can assume the introvert does not want to spend time with them or does not like them. However, many times the reason they decline is due to the way introverts respond to dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter in our brains that activates when we experience external stimuli such as activities, people, excitement, etc. Introverts are more sensitive to dopamine than extroverts, meaning that if they get too much of it, they become exhausted. Rather than merely desiring to recharge, they need to recharge. Therefore, others should not assume their preference for solitude means they are rejecting them; rather, they are protecting their energy.
  1. Their silence. People may assume that an introvert’s reluctance to speak up or ask questions means they don’t have any opinions, or they just don’t care. However, introverts have lots of opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Until they know if someone really wants to hear them, they refrain from voicing their thoughts. If and when others take time to draw the introvert out, they will eventually learn more of what the introvert is thinking.
  1. They are shy. Shyness and introversion are not the same. Many introverts and extroverts are shy. Shyness is a fear of social judgment. The shy person wonders things such as, “What if I ask a stupid question?” What if I make a bad impression?” Although many introverts are also shy, it is not an automatic, and introverts who are not shy feel misunderstood when others assume they are.
  1. Their serious facial expressions.  Some introverts develop a thinking face when they are thinking, which can appear as if they are irritated, upset, or disengaged. This outward expression can relay something completely different than how the introvert feels internally. Therefore, introverts need to be intentional about their facial expressions to minimize misunderstandings.

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