Five Signs That Someone Respects You

Respect is huge! We all want to be liked, however, being respected is even more important than being liked. How do you know if someone respects you? Here are five signs:

  1. They are do what they say they will do. People who respect you will follow through on whatever they promise. If they say they will do something, they do it. They show up on time. If they are supposed to meet with you, they do. They are showing you that you can count on them.
  1. They give you their full attention when they are with you. Those who respect you areare not distracted with looking around or at their phone. They treat you as if you are the only person in the room. Although they break eye contact with you at times, you know that they are listening to what you say.
  1. They ask you for your advice or opinions. People who respect you value your insights and advice and want to know what you think.
  1. They are polite. Even when they know you well. People who respect youdon’t throw politeness out the door just because you have established a relationship. They say please and thank you, they apologize—they treat you with the same politeness that they do with those they are just getting to know.
  1. They respect your boundaries. People who respect you don’t barge into your life or your office with the assumption that you will drop everything for them. They respect your time and your social boundaries. They never take advantage of you. In fact, they are on the other extreme, showing respect for you as a person by respecting your boundaries.

Now that you know these five signs of respect, are you showing others respect by doing these five things when you are with them?

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