What To Know About Leaving Your Your Comfort Zone

Are there things that you want to accomplish this year and you haven’t?

And you probably are wanting to accomplish some things that just out of your comfort zone. This call is all about what to expect when you dip your foot into uncharted territory. Four things happen as a result when you leave your comfort zone:

Leaving your comfort zone is scary! Few people tell us the truth about leaving our comfort zone—it’s not just uncomfortable, it is downright scary and nerve wracking! You will lose sleep. Your brain doesn’t want you to feel that way, so your brain tells you to retreat to the safety of your comfort zone. That’s why you see so many people talk about doing something new and when the time comes for them to take the step and do it, they often don’t.

Author Erika Hilliard states, “No step is too small, as long as it takes you out of your comfort zone.  All exposures will bring on at least mild anxiety; otherwise, they’re not worth doing.” Realizing that it is normal to feel scared or at least experience some anxiety reminds us that we are headed in the right direction. As Jack Canfield writes, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

It is uncomfortable when you believe that others sense that you are on new territory. Perhaps giving a presentation to a group of people is out of your comfort zone—and one of the reasons why is because the people you know and work with will be able to see how nervous you really are. Or maybe you are going for an interview, and you are convinced that the interviewers will “see right through” the confidence you are trying to portray. It is important understand that this is not true! The illusion of transparency is a cognitive bias which means it is an error to overestimate how accurate your inner emotions, thoughts, insecurities, etc. are evident to others.

You’re not going to be good the first time. Fear of getting out of your comfort zone is likely a fear of failure. But by knowing that you are NOT going to be good the first time will allow you to feel a sense of freedom with trying something new. John Maxwell has a thought process when trying new things: “ Test, Fail, Learn, Improve, Reenter.” Keep doing that over and over and you will get better! He says, “make your love for learning greater than you fear of failing. Anticipate failure. It’s in the action and the movement that you get the answers. Adjust your way to victory.”

You’re going to courageous afterwards. Because you embraced fear and moved forward. To be courageous means that you are able to act in spite of feeling fearful. And the more courageous you are, the more self-confident you become. Debra Searle, British adventurer and international speaker who rowed for 111 days and 3,300 miles solo across the Atlantic Ocean speaks about how fearful she was during her time in the ocean, and how courageous and exhilarated she felt afterwards. Debra says, “Your comfort zone will always shift to where you are.”

Are you ready to take a step outside of your comfort zone? Now that you know what to expect, you can boldly move forward!

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